Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 28

A picture of me last year and now, how have I changed since then?

Well, let's see...last year I was pregnant. And now I am not. I wasn't a Mom and now I am. That's about the biggest change for me! Here I am 25 weeks pregnant. This picture was actually taken 1 year and 1 day ago exactly - March 27, 2010.

And here I am today. Rylee is now 9 months and 3 days old!

Please excuse our cut off heads shot - it was the best out of like a dozen I took. Timers and taking pictures yourself aren't so easy - especially with a very wiggly baby in hand!


  1. That picture of you and Rylee is gorgeous! YOu look amazing! What kind of camera do you have?

  2. Thanks! And we don't have a nice camera, just a Nikon Coolpix. (which sucks by the way) Hopefully oneday we will get a nice one because I really would love to have one! Editing does wonders. :)
