Friday, March 25, 2011

9 Months, day 25, & stuff.

So here I am at 3:40 a.m. - my baby won't sleep. She never sleeps good anymore. She falls asleep about 8 p.m. and then is up at 1 a.m. - for hours. It is taking quite the toll on me emotionally and physically. I feel like I cry more and am more frustrated at things more - and at her. I know a few posts back I said don't get frustrated if your baby won't sleep but it's getting a little difficult not to these days. She was SUPER fussy for a few months after she was born. She cried a lot. I NEVER was frustrated at her and was totally fine with her crying all the time. Now that she won't sleep - different story. I never have time for myself and I never get sleep anymore. I feel like I am the worst Mom because she won't sleep. I know there is absolutely nothing I can do about it but I just wish it would change. I feel like it never will. I feel like she is always going to be the worst sleeper. Every night I am just hoping and hoping she will sleep and then I am in for major disappointment - again. I always think well maybe she is hungry - so I nurse her. Nothing. Maybe she has a tummy ache - so I give her gas medicine. Hours go by and she is still awake. Maybe she can't breathe - I suck her nose out. Nothing. Maybe her teeth hurt - I numb them and give her Tylenol - nope. Everything I do doesn't help. She doesn't even really nap during the day. She naps a good solid 2 hour nap every once in a while but that's it. Other than that her naps are usually 30 minutes if even that. She has been sick and that doesn't help much at all either. Please tell me I am not the only Mom going through this. And if there are any tips for me PLEASE help! I have heard the book Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child is a good one. I just ordered it. I am hoping it will somehow help.

On a happy note Rylee is 9 months old today! Here is a super cute picture of her I took a couple days ago. She is getting so big. I can't believe she'll be a year in just 3 short months!

Some things about her right now:

-She always has her tongue sticking out.

-She loves to crawl. EVERYWHERE. She gets into everything and anything.

-She loves to pull doors open. Bedroom doors and cabinet doors.

-She can climb up the stairs - very quickly.

-She loves trying to push her toy and can take a few steps.

-She pulls herself up onto anything and everything.

-She loves to eat and eats everything I give her. Except she recently decided she hates pears. She loves to feed herself. She always grabs a handful and then gags cause she puts too much in her mouth at once.

-She loves water and juice. I HAVE to warm up her juice she won't drink it otherwise.

-When she is laying on her back she tries to sit up. We hold onto her legs and she really does sit up - all the way up. It is SO funny.

-She loves to clap.

-She shakes her head no a ton now - makes me laugh every time.

-She loves car rides.

-Bath time is not so easy anymore - all she wants is to pull herself up on the side of the tub.

-She is SO busy busy. Always moving and playing.

-She is starting to get stranger danger - and separation anxiety.

-She has her two bottom teeth and one top tooth - the second one will be showing any day now!

That's about all I can think of - my brain is definitely shutting down. It's now 4:45 and my sweet baby is still wide awake and playing. :)

Oh, and here's day 25:

What you would find in my bag:

Well, since all I carry around now is a diaper bag, that is what you will find in my bag. Baby stuff. Diapers, wipes, toys, clothes, tylenol, gas medicine, baby orajel, sippy cup, crackers, etc.


  1. That book is the best, it has helped me SO much with Rozzy- she used to wake up 7-10 times in the night and I'd have to go up the stairs, nurse her, lay her back down, and wait to see if she actually fell back asleep... but now she goes to bed at 7:00 pm- wakes up between 6-7 am, nurses and falls back asleep till 9- then during the day she takes two awesome two hour naps (her afternoon naps sometimes are a bit shorter...) but does GREAT!

    Also- Rozzy has been super fussy too- she WILL NOT eat at all, and then she's fussy because she's hungry- I think teething is just sending our babies on a roller coaster that they do not like at all. Don't worry you're not the only one with a fussy baby-

    I think that maybe they are a little stir crazy like us... they are ready to go outside again just like us... I take Rozzy on walk, whether I have to bundle her up or it's warm enough that a jacket is fine she seems to calm down a lot more.

    Call me if you need a break- maybe we can go walk around the mall, or if it's warm go to the park.

  2. I was sitting here reading this thinking how bad that sucked and how it seems like every mom I know goes through that. So, then I started reading because I know if I have kids getting up in the middle of the night would last a day...I would go crazy. I liked this article:

    I liked what they said about day three, four and five most. Mitch and I will come babysit for you so you can get out of the house. I'm sorry-that would be so hard!

  3. Heather -- I literally almost cried reading this, because although Grace is a good sleeper -- There are other things that lead to me feeling that same frustration you are feeling & IT SUCKS! Since Grace was sick, she learned she ALWAYS wants to be held, she cries whenever I put her down -- Even when I put her in her high chair to eat, which she cries while she's eating since I'm not holding her .. I swear I get nothing done, even a lot of the things for her, you know? Also, when she was sick .. Weston was out of town, then Kalees baby passed & Grace could hardly breathe .. So to say the least, I was paranoid -- So she slept in our bed with me -- AND SHE IS STILL THERE! She will only sleep two hours MAX in her crib .. But will sleep GREAT in our bed (9-6, eats, then back down til 9!) .. I think a ton of both their problems is -- teething, beibg sick (Grace just can't kick it- It's been weeks), growing pains & serious emotional seperation anxiety! I hope it is just the stage/age -- And like Cam said, we are all kinda stir crazy & the days are getting longer, which is hard with no naps (or just cat naps!) .. Good luck, I really do feel for you! Let's all get together!

    AND lastly, instead of Tylenol at night for teething and stuff -- Use Motrin (ibuprofin) .. It makes them a little more 'drowsy'!

  4. .. You use Morton every 6 hours instead of every 4 .. And you can use both Tylenol & Motrin, rotating if she is sick & such. But try just the Motrin at night for her teeth! :)

  5. First of all you are a great mom, i have had many days like this. i'm sure every mom has had one or two or three or even a hundred and twenty three days that they have felt as you do now.

    I hope you will find some great advice from this book you are getting

    I would LOVE to have her come play with Zayda
    having YOUR TIME is so important, like my sister in-law says "i put myself first, because if i do. I am a better mom to my kids" so true. So bring her to me, give yourself YOU TIME
    It will get better hopefully it's all from her being sick and her little tooth that is about to pop through.

    She is getting more and more BEAUTIFUL
    i can't believe it...9 months

  6. A little dose of benadryl would help with the congestion, fussiness, and it definitely makes them drowsy... Kinda like baby "nyquil"..
