Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 4

A habit I wish I didn't have.
*Biting my nails*
I have done this since I was really little and still have the nasty habit. Although my nails are pretty long, I still bite them sometimes. Hopefully oneday I will NEVER bite them.


  1. Oh my heck! This is exactly a habit I have that I hate! Too funny! As I read through all the questions of the 31 days I thought to myself what I would write... It will be interesting to see how many of these we have in common!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Seriously! .. Me too & I hate it! I will go weeks without biting mine -- Then I get bored or nervous and off they come! I really want to stop because I don't want Grace to bite hers! :/

  4. Oh my gosh I have the same habit!! Except I already have such short nail beds that when i bite them they look REALLY short! BOO haha
