Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 29 & Rylee's 9 month check up

In the past month, what have I learned?

In the past month, the biggest thing I have probably learned is to enjoy every second you have with the people that you love. I don't know who did and who didn't read my post a couple weeks ago, but our friends lost their 4 1/2 month old baby boy to SIDS. I just cannot even imagine how that would feel to lose a child. Since then, I have enjoyed all the time I have with my family, especially Rylee. You can never take time for granted and enjoy all the time you have with those that mean the most to you. I have learned so much from this whole situation and I look at time and life as a blessing and a gift. I am trying so hard to be better in every aspect because I don't know when my time will be and I don't know when everyone else's time will be. I just enjoy all the time I have right now and never take a second for granted.

Today was Rylee’s 9 month check up. She is one healthy cute little girl! She weighs 16 lbs 15 oz (16.86%) She has gained a little over a pound in 3 months! She is so super active and always MOVING and WIGGLING she just burns up all the calories she eats! And she EATS. A LOT. She is 27½ inches in length (46.69%) and her head circumference is 17 inches (25.5%) So basically he said he is most likely going to be taller and skinny. And she still has a little head! He said she will probably be walking in the next couple months since she is so strong and so active. She is all over the place! Rolling, pulling herself up, getting down, crawling, climbing stairs, trying to get down the stairs, doing her baby crunches – if you didn’t see the video scroll down a few posts back and watch it. It is so funny. She is getting hard to keep up with! Can’t wait till she stars walking! (Kidding…I really CAN wait.) Oh, and now she has 4 teeth! 2 on top and 2 on bottom. She started doing this hilarious crunched up face mega cheesy grin. I have yet to get a good picture of it so stay tuned, I am determined! And she also started giving “kisses” – they are the cutest open mouthed kisses. She gives Daddy kisses and then does her silly cheesy grin cause his facial hair tickles her face. It is the cutest thing.

Look at that belly!

She was so interested in the bandaid on her foot! She has to get her foot pricked cause they checked her hematocrit level - which was over what they like it to be! My girl is good and healthy!

She couldn't stop staring at the Mural's on the walls! She thought they were pretty cool!
Haha - is that not the cutest mad face?
She looks so big in the scale now!
She loved the paper - she had to try crawling on it too. :)
Yes, you can make fun of how picture crazy I went...

She is getting way too big!


  1. She's sooo cute! What a little girl, Scarlett's head is probably twice the size of Rylee's. How's her sleeping going, still better? Baby slobbery kisses are the best! I have loved reading your daily posts...

  2. oh I love that you went picture crazy it makes me want to do it but I already did Rozzy's nine month --- sad

    She's a doll- so much personality in those eyes!

  3. This past month we diffidently have had a huge reminder in life of what is most important.

    I bet she is walking by the middle of June. It is the best and so cute. Look at that belly.
    Kisses.... yeah! so adorable. I can't wait to see her cheesy grin
