Friday, March 25, 2011

I Did It

So I almost feel like I should apologize for going on a rant in the middle of the night. I feel like the worst Mom for even getting frustrated. I was and just have been super tired and emotional. After reading everyone's comments I feel so much better - really. I now know that I am not the only one going through this. Pretty much everyone has. Rylee is just learning so many fun things right now and wants to just keep playing to practicing all those fun things. And she is teething and is starting to get separation anxiety which really hasn't helped much - at all. My soon to be sister in law sent me a link to read about teaching your baby to sleep in 7 days. It gave some very helpful tips. Tonight I decided something needs to change. It will be a difficult few days - or even week - maybe even two weeks, but if I don't change something now it is just going to get a whole lot worse. So tonight I DID IT. I let Rylee cry herself to sleep. Wow, it was so hard. I just wanted to go pick her up and cuddle her but I didn't. I layed her down at 7:30 and she finally went to sleep at 8:30 - on the dot. I only went in her room once - maybe not the best idea but I did. I didn't even touch her I just let her know she was ok and that I was still there. She finally fell asleep though. If she wakes up in the middle of the night again I am just going to do the same thing - I am going to let her cry herself back to sleep. I also decided I am going to start putting her to bed at 7:30 - maybe even 7. I have heard the earlier you put your baby to bed the better they sleep. I have "heard" so many different things though who knows what is really the truth! I really can't wait to read that book when it arrives in the mail. I will keep you all updated on Rylee's sleep progress! Thank you again for all your comments, suggestions, and advice. It really did help a lot and I am so excited to hopefully help my baby sleep better (and maybe me too! :)


  1. I let Rozzy cry it out at 7 months and it was SO hard BUT it only lasted two-three nights after that she did fine... she still cries a little when I lay her down but only for a few minutes and then she sleeps through the night- I will get up and nurse her when she wakes up in the early morning (mostly for my sake- I feel as though I could POP) but she falls right back to sleep- Crying it out is hard but it's so worth it for your sanity too.

    I swear with my next I am letting him/her cry it out at 6 months or sooner

  2. I know - I definitely made the mistake of waiting this long. I am just glad I am finally doing it.
