Sunday, May 8, 2011

My First "REAL" Mother's Day.

Today was my first "REAL" Mother's Day. Last year I was pregnant and I did have a baby (in my belly of course) so I was a Mom, but this year it was different. I am actually a MOM. I see, hold, and take care of a little person that is mine.. forever. I never would have thought being a Mother would make me as happy as it does and I never thought a little person could bring me such joy, happiness, and love. Being a Mother is the greatest gift and I love every second of being one. Rylee is my entire world. Today was such a special day and I am so grateful for my husband who makes me feel like I am the best Mom and wife and shows me so much appreciation for everything I do.

Sometimes I feel like a lazy person - on the days he comes home to a messy.. and I mean MESSY house. Those are the days I just play with Rylee or just sit on the couch watching her play and just laughing at how cute and funny she is. All the other little things can wait - I just enjoy motherhood and every single stage Rylee is in. If there is once I can't feed her, bath her, or put her to bed I feel so sad. She rules my world and I love it. Everything in my life revolves around her - her needs, her wants. But it is everything I want, everything I love. Being a Mom has changed me so much - all for the better. I never thought Motherhood would be as amazing as it is. I love it. I love my life. I love my beautiful baby girl.

Here is me this morning. Yes, I had just woken up! Do you love my crazy hair and glasses? My WONDERFUL husband brought me breakfast in bed. My favorite breakfast burritos, (DELICIOUS - I will do a post on how to make them. They are the best) my favorite fruit: bananas and strawberries, and orange juice.

I also have to add.. Kelly is the BEST husband and let me sleep in this morning. He got up with Rylee, fed her, and made me breakfast. :)

And this is what I saw when I came downstairs. This girl makes me laugh! I moved all the tupperware down low so she could empty the cabinet. There is tupperware all over the kitchen everyday - love it!

I am definitely the happiest Mama in the world! (What Mom doesn't say that right?)

And I just HAD to show off my present from Kelly. My super cute MEK shorts! LOVE THEM. Don't you love the butt shot?

This is Rylee tonight at my inlaws house. She is such a cute little cheeser!

Beautiful baby right?? :)

This is me and my Mother in law .. more like my other Mom. I don't consider her my mother in law. I love her SO MUCH. She is such an amazing person. I look up to her every way. She is the most positive, caring, and selfless person I know. I enjoy every second I have to spend with her. We have had so many laughs together and tears.. she is always there for me. There is literally nothing I can't talk to her about. I am so blessed to have her in my life and I thank Heavenly Father everyday for blessing me with such an amazing woman in my life forever!

And my Mom.. well, she is out of town AGAIN. So I didn't get to see her on Mother's Day and I didn't get to take a picture with her. But I am so grateful to have her in my life and as my Mom. She is such a wonderful Mother - she loves me and my sister and would do anything for us. I can talk to her about so many things and she never judges, just gives her advice which I totally appreciate (most of the time..haha!) I love my Mom so much!

I am just so grateful to have so many wonderful women (especially my 2 Mom's) in my life! Happy Mother's Day!!

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