Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Brag Post #1

Everyone is allowed to have a brag post, right? Well, I think so.

So, here it goes...


Trust me, this is VERY exciting news for me! When I got married I was skiiiiny. I weighed 120 - that is only 2 pounds heavier than when I graduated high school. I got up to 135 at one point and that was it for me. I HAD to do something about it. So, that is when Kelly and I started running together every night. I lost 6 pounds getting down to 129 and for some reason, whatever I did, I couldn't get down past it.

Then I got pregnant. At the end of my pregnancy I weighed 163 - I gained 35 pounds. That freaked me out a little bit. But I was supposed to gain between 25-35 pounds so I was ok with it. Well, I had Rylee and lost the weight pretty quickly. And can I just add - for a couple weeks after having a baby was so not fun. I was like soaking wet all the time sweating away my water weight. Yuck.

By the time she was 4 months old I was back down to my pre pregnancy weight. I went back to work full time for a month and gained 6 pounds again. Sitting on a seat all day really didn't help much. And I didn't eat very healthy - went out for lunch every single day because I was too tired to wake up early enough and pack myself a lunch. Being up several times a night with a little baby made me pretty tired everyday.

I pretty much stayed at that same weight for a few months and then I was back to wanting to do something about it - I had to. I was feeling yucky and chubby. I hate this feeling - it's the worst. So I started doing some workout videos at home and only jogging a few times. This really was NOT helping. My friend and I decided to try out some Zumba classes - the first time is free at most classes so we went to a couple classes comparing them. She told me about this lady in her Mom's ward that taught Zumba and was having a free class so we both went.

I will NEVER regret going to her class. She is literally the best Zumba teacher. I have found my favorite workout that will never get old. I leave the class dripping with sweat every time I go. It's not only dancing, she works your entire body - arms, legs, stomach - everywhere. The past 3 classes I have been sore the next day which is so great because even after going for a couple months I am still working different parts of my body.

I have now been going to Zumba 3 times a week and have lost weight quicker than with even jogging. I never thought I would get back down to 120 but only 4 more pounds to go and I am there! I am SO proud of myself and am so happy. And I also have to say how proud I am of my husband. He has lost 20 pounds in a month and a half. We have both been working our butts off to get down to where we want to be. We also don't eat after dinner and that has really helped the weight come off too. That and we really watch our portions and have cut back on eating sugar.

So, there you have it. My first brag post. Hope you enjoyed it. :)

If you want to come try her class, you should. Click here or here for more info.


  1. Wow, congrats! That's the biggest thing that worries me about becoming pregnant, is how much I may balloon out. I'm so nervous that I'll gain a ton and never lose it.

    Good job with all your work!

  2. Yeah!!! That is awesome!! where do you go to zumba>

  3. That's SO awesome! You both look way good!

  4. WHOA!!!!!! That is so awesome Heather!!! Your my new inspiration to get into shape! I totally want to go to these classes with you!! I have always wanted to try Zumba. email me your number and lets get together!!! jt2wheeler@gmail.com

  5. WohooO!!! The only thing missing is a picture of your hot bod! :-)

  6. You brag away! You look freaking hot! Good job!

  7. good job!

    Shannon is my neighbor she's great!
