Saturday, April 16, 2011

I am Happy to Say...

Well, it has been 3 weeks since my post about me going nuts cause my baby was up half the night most nights. I am now happy to say... she is SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT. All I had to do was let her cry herself to sleep and now she has learned -- when I put her in bed at night it's bedtime and I'm not gonna go in and get her. Now when I put her down she only cries for a couple minutes -- sometimes even goes right to sleep without making a peep. Bedtime is at 7:30. Most nights she gets up at about 6 to eat and goes right back to sleep till around 8:30 or 9. Rylee is now an angel sleeper. And I am getting more sleep and we are both happy campers! Next baby I am definitely teaching them good sleep habits earlier -- big mistake to wait as long as I did! So for all you Mom's reading this and your babies won't sleep very good: All you need to do is let them cry themselves to sleep. They will sleep longer and learn to sleep better. I am so happy she is a good sleeper now! Plus, the time I have in the evening to myself and to spend with my husband is WONDERFUL. Oh, and the book Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child -- SUCH a good book. Definitely recommend reading it. A couple pictures of my sweet little sleeper!

And a CUTE picture of my 2 favorite people in the entire world! I wonder who's ears Rylee has? HAHA.

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