Sunday, February 20, 2011

Pinky Doll

This is Pinky Doll...she used to be mine.
I used to cuddle with her, love her, and play with her.
She was my favorite doll. Now she is Rylee's.
Rylee LOVES her.
Now SHE cuddles with her, loves her, and plays with her.
She always sleeps with her.
She doesn't fall asleep as good without her.
I love that I could pass on something so special to my daughter and that she loves her so much.
Pinky has a little rattle inside her and Rylee loves to shake her around so she rattles.
It is so cute listening to the rattle in her bedroom while she is trying to fall asleep cause I know she is playing with her.

This is my cute little baby girl sleeping with Pinky. Isn't that so cute?


  1. That is the cutest thing ever and so special! :)

  2. Oh my goodness this is the sweetest thing ever! It is moments like this, that you are so glad you held onto special things of yours when you were little! I love this post!
