Sunday, September 12, 2010

Best night yet!

So last night was Rylee's best night yet! I was almost worried about her cause she slept so good! She went to sleep last night at 9 and woke up at 5. I changed her diaper and fed her for a few minutes and she was back to sleep in less than 15 minutes. I put her back in the cradle about 5:15 and she woke up again at 8. Changed her again and fed her for a few minutes and she was back to sleep AGAIN! She fell back to sleep about 8:15 and woke up at 11...and that was only cause I woke her up by taking a shower. Should have just waited!! I seriously was shocked at how long she slept! And I was so happy I finally got a good night's sleep! I don't know why she hasn't been sleeping very good but I hope she starts sleeping better. Last night was a great night, let's just see what tonight is like. :) She wouldn't take longer than an hour total of napping today so she should sleep for a while. I think my baby is going through a growth spurt because the past few days she is hungry about every 2 hours and the last night she slept forever. But who knows!

Here is a picture of my cute little sleeper! Kind of a crappy picture cause our room was dark and I took it with my phone but it's still cute.Oh, and here is her today throwing a fit! She throws these fits daily when I am not holding her. This was when I was getting ready. Hilarious.And here is a video of her tonight after her bath. She has been talking so much recently it is so stinkin cute! Tonight she was talking SO much it was so so cute. Sorry it's sideways. :)
Oh and P.S. my blog isn't private anymore.


  1. I love her tantrum picture! Too cute! She is getting bigger and bigger! It is kind of a funny thing when the little one has a good nights sleep... even though they are soundly sleeping, you as the mother are awake wondering if they are ok... It is so fun being a mom isn't it!?

  2. Hahaha her tantrum picture is PRICELESS!! I love it!! She is just too dang cute!
