Monday, August 2, 2010

Poor girl!

Took my baby to the doc tonight...
Poor girl can hardly all congested and her eye is all red and a little puffy
She has been congested since she was born
We took her to the doc when she was 3 weeks old for her congestion
They said it was just newborn congestion
So I have just been sucking her nose out constantly
A few nights I had her sleep in her bouncer so she was sitting up
Last night she was up every hour cause she couldn't breathe
I noticed her eye was all puffy too
Well tonight the doc said the same thing...she is too little for any medications
And she is also too little for it to be allergies which is what we thought it maybe was
So all I can do is keep sucking out her nose and have her sleep propped up
All of which I have been doing
He also said I could buy a vaporizer to keep in the room
So I went and bought one
Hopefully it eventually passes and doesn't last 3 months like he said it could
It's so sad watching her struggle to breath...she gets so frustrated
And her eye...he said to just watch it
Get better sweet girl!
And on a positive note...Rylee weighs 9 lbs 15 oz!!! Way to go baby girl!

Had to end with a couple cute pictures of my cute girl in her cute dresses!


  1. Oh poor little girl! I hope she gets better soon. That's got to be so hard on both of you. Are you exhausted??? She is certainly adorable though - I LOVE the little bracelet that matches her cute!

  2. Oh - and have you tried using 'Simply Saline' for babies? It is a nasal saline that you can spray up in their is by the pharmacy in Walmart (and probably most other stores)...they have an adult version and a baby version. Anyways...I wish I'd known about it earlier with Tay, it helps to clear them out a ton and is safe for newborns.

  3. POOR GIRL! Yes, try the saline stuff, my cousin swears by it.. Her babies were always congested for months! She is such a doll.. So fun!

    I cannot believe she is dang near 10 pounds.. Yay!!

  4. YES! I have been using little noses. Works really well! But no matter how much I suck out there is still always tons there! Sad...oh well. She has been doing good sleeping since I got the vaporizer so that's good! And Heather, nope I am not exhausted isn't that crazy? I haven't taken a single nap since I had her either! Yes, I am insane! And Emily, I can't believe she is pretty much 10 pounds already! I love my little chunker! She is getting so big I can't believe it!
