Friday, August 20, 2010

8 weeks

I really can't believe how fast this little girl is growing. She is 8 weeks old today...2 months next week on the 25th. I absolutely love watching her grow and get bigger. She has such a cute little personality already and I love learning new things about her every day. I am pretty sure she is "attached" to me...most of the time she cries if I am not holding her. Sometimes even if Daddy is holding her she cries unless I take her. We definitely need to try and work on that because we won't be able to leave her if she cries without me/us around. She won't take a binky either and that really stinks! She really does well with tummy time though and just laying there and a lot of the time she will just lay there and look around. But she definitely gets in those moods where she just wants me to hold her. She is a really happy baby a lot of the time and won't cry unless she is tired, doesn't feel good, or is hungry or messy. Some other fun things about her...she loves to be naked. She loves just laying there naked...she is so super happy! Most of the time she loves her car seat and riding in the car. EXCEPT when we stop driving she starts crying. haha. The longest she has now gone is 6 hours at night between feedings. That has only been a couple times though. Of course. :) She LOVES LOVES LOVES her bath. Every night around 7 pm is her "fussy time". She starts crying. She knows it is her bath time. As soon as I put her in the bath she stops crying and will just sit there in the bath happy as can be. But as soon as I take her out she gets a little mad. :) She is pretty much on a set schedule now. I bath her about 8 pm and she, without fail, will fall asleep at 10. Then she will wake up about 2:30 and then again at 6 to eat and is back to sleep again and sleeps till 10 or 11 most days. She takes a lot of naps every day and some days will be asleep almost the entire day and still sleeps really good at night. She hates laying down like a baby still and will get really mad unless you have her sitting up looking around. Whenever I am holding her with her head facing me on my shoulder she will keep moving her head closer to mine until it is almost smooshed against my face it's so funny. She is always grabbing things now. I was taking her out of her car seat today and she totally grabbed the strap and held on so tight I had to break her grip! She holds her head up so so good now and can sit in her bumbo chair really good! She still is quite the little eater and eats every 2 or 3 hours still. Most of the time she likes to eat a little bit at a time so I am feeding her constantly all day long in little bits. Funny girl. Whenever she is sleeping she always has her hands up by her face and her hands are always right above her head when she is asleep in her cradle. When she is in her carseat or swing and is relaxed, her fingers are all spread apart it's so cute. Her favorite place to be is outside and I take her outside alot. She is starting to smile and coo it's so cute! And she is always trying to "talk" to us. We just love this little girl so much! We love every little changing thing about her and learning more about her everyday. I am so excited to keep watching her grow! I love being her Mommy so much!!

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