Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I Am Thankful...

I love this time of year. I love the weather. I love the beautiful colored leaves that fall on the ground. I love the cool, crisp air. I love wearing long sleeves and boots. Most of all, I love the feeling I get around this time of year. I love spending time with family and close friends. I love Thanksgiving .. and then onto Christmas. I am so thankful for so many things and have been blessed with so many things. I just wanted to list a few of those things.

- I am so thankful to be a Mother. I love my little baby girl Rylee Laurel Giles. She is such a blessing in my life and I am SO blessed to have her as my daughter. She makes me smile more and more everyday. I love smiling at her and her smiling back at me. When she talks to me I just have so much joy and feel so grateful to have her beautiful little face in front of me. I don't know what I would do without her. She has made our family a family. She has made mine and Kelly's relationship so much stronger and happier. We love our little girl so very much!

- I am so thankful for my home. We were blessed to be able to buy our home a year ago and we have loved making it ours and decorating it to be a wonderful and fun place to be. I love being there and cooking and baking in OUR kitchen. I love climbing into bed in OUR room. I love being able to put Rylee to bed every night in HER room. I just love our home and am so blessed we have it.

- I am so thankful to have Kelly as my husband and him as Rylee's Father. I feel so very blessed to have such a strong, hard working, loving, kind, and caring man as my eternal companion. He works so hard for us everyday. Right now he is so sick but has been working 6 am till 8 pm. He has been working so hard so that I can stay home with Rylee. He is so motivated all the time. One day 2 years ago he came home from work and told me he wanted to start his own business. Since then he has been working hard and strong and his business has since grown a lot and he is doing so well! I am so grateful and so proud to say he is my husband. I LOVE HIM MORE AND MORE EVERYDAY.

- I am so thankful to have such a wonderful job. Yes, I am quitting December 1st but I am so grateful to have it. I will sorely miss all the wonderful people I work with but so blessed that I will be able to stay home with Rylee all day.

- I am so thankful for the job I just got! I am the new ICU night shift secretary at Utah Valley Hospital. I don't HAVE to work, but we will need insurance since I am quitting my job now and instead of paying for our own private insurance plan I decided to try to get a night job at the hospital and work for insurance. Plus, it would be a better insurance plan that way anyway. I feel SO blessed that they selected me for the job and I am so excited to start! December 6th. Yes, I know it will be hard working nights, but it is only 3 nights a week. If I decide it's just too hard I will quit.

- I am so thankful for amazing friends. I am so blessed to have the friends I do. Right now being back to work for 30 days I have awesome friends (Samantha and Heather :) just to name a few) that have been so willing to help out with watching Rylee. You will get something in return I promise!! I just feel so blessed to have such kind and loving and amazing friends.

- I am so thankful for my amazing family! I am so blessed and so grateful for my family - and I am one of the luckiest girls because I have the most wonderful in-laws! I am so close to them and I feel so blessed that they don't feel or act like they are my in-laws - they act like they are my actual family. Grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles - everyone.

- I am so thankful for the gospel. It has helped me through so many things and I am so blessed to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I am so blessed to be a temple recommend holder and be able to attend the Temple and feel the spirit so strongly whenever I want to. I do, however need to attend more than I do! Having a baby has made it a little more difficult to do so.

There are so many other things I am thankful for, but these are just to name a few of those things. I am one blessed girl and I am so very grateful for everything I have!

1 comment:

  1. That was a nice post. I loved when i did mine writing down the things im thankful for. it just makes ya feel so good inside thinging of all the wonderful people and things around us. Thanks for sharing. I appreciate what u wrote about me, Im glad to help you guys out any time!!!
