Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Here are a bunch of random pictures of Rylee lately. She is getting so big!

She now loves her jumper. She hated it for the logest time but now she is liking it! Chillin drinking her bottle! She is such a bottle girl it is so cute. Watching the rain. She loves when I pull up the blinds and she can look out. Of course I stand right there with her! (except to snap a few pics of her really quick!)
One day last week we went out to lunch at the Art City Trolley! Rylee had her very first sucker and loved every bit of it! It was quite the mess -- we went through a few baby wipes cleaning it all up as she sucked on it.

Here she is swinging at the park -- she LOVES swinging!
Helping Mommy get ready!
Trying to climb out of the bath. A daily thing when she is taking her bath! I love sleeping pictures!
A couple weeks ago I went to my in-laws house with one of my friends and we tied our little girlies quilts. Rylee LOVES hers!

1 comment:

  1. So I just realized I never commented back.
    Custom frames would be Awesome!
    I would love to see his website when its up to take a peek at his work!
