Sunday, July 17, 2011


Rylee had the flu - for the very first time. And it was NOT fun. I felt so bad for her. Holding her poor little body over the sink while she was throwing up. I wanted to cry. She was so weak and so pale and so miserable.

Friday night we were driving home from Provo at 8:30. Rylee was a little fussy. She didn't look like she felt very good but we thought it was from teething (the night before we were up on and off all night long because she got her first molar) and because she was tired (betime is 7:30.)

As we were driving home she started coughing - kind of a gaggy cough. We both asked her if she was ok. I turned around and all of a sudden PROJECTILE vomit like 4 times. All over her and in her carseat. Kelly immediately pulled over and I ran in the backseat and grabbed her out of the carseat and took her outside onto the grass. I felt so bad for her! I took all her clothes off and she just started crying. My poor baby. We didn't have anything in the car other than baby wipes and tissues. No blankets or anything. My WONDERFUL husband (who about pukes at any disgusting smell) cleaned up the ENTIRE carseat. There was vomit everywhere. Her carseat was awful. I never knew a tiny little body could hold so much food in it.

We got home and she threw up again right before her bath. I took a bath with her and she just layed on me lifeless pretty much the entire time. I got her in her pajamas and just layed on the couch with her. She fell asleep immediately. And then woke up a short time later and threw up again. She threw up a couple more times after that. She was to the point where only bile was coming up - and then nothing. Kelly went and bought her some pedialyte and she drank that right up. She was throwing that up shortly after she drank it each time but at least she was throwing up something and not just bile.
She fell asleep anywhere we layed her and with us. It was around midnight when Kelly said he would stay awake all night long with her and I could go to sleep. I told him I wanted to stay right there with her so he layed on the recliner with her and I layed on the couch. The TV was finally driving me crazy and I couldn't fall asleep so I went upstairs. I could still hear everything and came down every time she threw up again - which was about every 5 to 30 minutes. One of the times I came downstairs (around 4:30 a.m.) I told Kelly I felt really sick and thought I was going to throw up. I ran to the bathroom and sure enough I did. Not only did I feel awful, I hated that I was sick too and felt way too crappy to take care of Rylee! Ugh. Kelly was awesome and stayed up the rest of the night with her so I could get some sleep and hopefully feel better.
Kelly told me he was holding her asleep and at one point she climbed off the couch, crawled across the room to a blanket that was on the floor and layed down on it and went right to sleep. He said he didn't want to fall asleep and her wake up and be all over the house by herself so he went and picked her up and layed back on the couch with her. She continued sleeping for a little while and then woke up, climbed off the couch again. grabbed the blanket off of him, put it on the floor and layed on it and went back to sleep. How cute is that? She just wanted to lay by herself. We just thought that was pretty dang cute. I only threw up for about 4 hours and then it stopped. Rylee threw up for a total of about 12 hours straight (poor girl). Around 8 a.m. she was looking much better. She was playing and talking like she felt much better. She was starting to get pretty fussy so Kelly gave her a sippy cup with water and she guzzled the entire thing! Yesterday we only gave her bland foods starting with pedialyte and saltines and she was able to keep it down. Around 10 a.m. yesterday she was looking tired. Kelly came and woke me up and gave me coke his parents brought over for me and told me I should take a bath with Rylee. I did, and she was so happy in the bath. We got out after a bit and I got her in jammies and layed her down. She slept for FIVE hours straight. She was getting some much needed sleep! She woke up at 3 and I fed her. At 4 she was acting tired again. She was on our bed with us and she went to the foot of the bed and layed her head down. Kelly went and layed her back down and she slept for an hour and 15 minutes, woke up, and then went back to sleep again shortly after that.
Today we are both doing much better but Rylee is still really sleepy. She got about at 8:30 this morning and I layed her back down at 9:30 after I fed her breakfast and she went right to sleep. That was a nasty quick bug!! So glad it's come and gone!!

And can I just say THANK YOU Chicco carseats for being SO easy to take apart! There was vomit all over and under the cover and even in the base and I was able to get it out of every crack and crevice!


  1. you poor guys! I'm so sorry to hear about all of that! So sad! I'm glad she's doing better though and that you are too Heather! That's so hard! good thing Rylee has such great parents!

  2. This post makes me sad .. I hate seeing little ones like that, it is scary when they get sick! She is so cute all snuggled up! I am so happy she is feeling better (and you too!)

    PS .. I LOVE my Chicco carseat, I will never have another kind of infant carrier -- They are so durable and easy to use/clean! Plus they are known to be way safe! :) What kind of bigger seat are you going to get her in the future? I have heard the Britax (the marathon) is the way to go?
