Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Vegas baby!

What a FUN few days we have had! We went with our good friends Adam and Erin to Vegas. We left Sunday morning and just got back this evening. It was a nice relaxing few days without the kids. We swam, shopped (for less than a half hour), ate yummy food, watched a movie, played several games of Ticket to Ride, and went to a show! The drive down was LOOOOOONG. We were stuck in the canyon past Mesquite for about 2 hours. Stupid construction. At least we had Ticket to Ride on Adam's iPad that kept us entertained! We played 3 games on the way to Vegas and 4 games on the way back. Erin is so good at it I had to beat her! I did beat her twice and almost a third time. She begged me not to go out so I didn't...then she beat me by like 10 points! I am too nice. :)
Driving to Vegas

Sunday night we went to dinner and went swimming and to the hot tub for a bit. There were some crazy drunk people in the pool. It was funny for the first little bit but then it got old (for me) so we left and sat in the hot tub before going back to the room. It was HOT in Vegas - like 115. At least we didn't have to be outside much other than walking a short distance and when we were in the pool. Monday morning we went to breakfast at Original Pancake house and came back to the hotel and went swimming for a bit and that night we went to dinner at Lucille's BBQ. It was yummy! After dinner we went and got cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory, went back to the hotel and sat in Adam and Erin's room and ate cheesecake and watched a movie. After the movie we played 1 game of Ticket to Ride while laughing our heads off (that was a FUN night), went to the hot tub, and came back and played 1 more game of Ticket to Ride. Erin wins every game I HAD to beat her! We were seriously up til like 3 or 4 in the morning. That next day we were so tired ha ha! Tuesday morning Kelly and I went swimming and then came back to the room and got ready. We all went to lunch, over to the strip to buy tickets to a show and that night we went to Outback Steakhouse and then to the show. Before we left Kelly and I were waiting downstairs for Adam and Erin. There was a row of 5 cent slot machines so Kelly put a dollar in and used 3 credits (15 cents) all the sudden the machine keeps dinging over and over and wouldn't stop. We won $51! It was hilarious. The show we saw was Cirque du Soleil Mystere. It was AMAZING!!! After it was over we went back to the hotel and went to bed cause we got up early this morning to go to breakfast and then head home. It was a fun little getaway! So glad we got to spend some time with our friends without kids. :) We are so happy to be home with Rylee now -- we missed her! She had so much fun with Grandma and Papa and has some major sleep to catch up on. I am glad she got to spend some time with them though. She is so so lucky to have two sets of grandparents (and great-grandparents) that love her so much! This evening when I was cleaning out my car Rylee was sitting in the car with me. She jumps over the seat and sits on my lap and looks at me and says, "Mommy I missed you!" She is such a sweetheart. I love my girl SO much!
Waiting in line for the show -- I especially love the people in the back smiling.

Waiting for the show to start!

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