I seriously cannot believe Rylee is 6 months old already...a half year! She turned 6 months on Christmas Day! Her little personality is developing more and more everyday. She is getting so big! We just love watching her grow and explore and becoming more aware of her surroundings. She is our angel baby. We are so blessed to have her in our lives!
-Rylee has grown so much in the last month. She can now scoot wherever she wants. I tried to upload a video of her but it was taking forever. But there just isn't anything she can't get to now! We have to be extra careful and make sure there isn't anything on the floor she can grab!
-The day after Christmas was the first time she reached. I can now hold out my hands when Daddy is holding her and she reaches for me! It is so cute!
-She can now sit up. Of course I still have to sit right by her but she can definitely sit there! In the next couple weeks I am sure she will sit just fine and won't topple over so easy.
-She giggles and smiles SO MUCH. It takes almost nothing to get her to smile.
-She rolls all over the place. Back to front, front to back. Or just rolls over and over from one side of the room to the other.
-When she is getting mad or really excited she kicks her right leg - hilarious.
-She hits everything with her thumbs. Sometimes her hands but mostly just her thumbs.
-She can take her binky out of her mouth and put it back in.
-She is the best sleeper! She goes to sleep around 9ish and sleeps till somewhere between 9 and 10. Most nights she sleeps all night.
-She will pretty much only sleep on her tummy now. No matter how many times we turn her onto her back she will roll right back onto her tummy.
-A few days ago she learned how to blow raspberries and now does it all the time. It is so funny.
-Her hair is growing so fast now and is getting darker! And her eyelashes are still getting longer and longer!
6 months old!

Super long eyelashes!
Sitting up looking at her new dolls!
Rylee now sits in her bouncer like this. She just rests her feet up there it is so funny. Or else she sill sit up in her bouncer. So she is buckled in but isn't even laying back, she is sitting. She is a funny girl! And I think it's time to retire the bouncer.
She loves this laundry basket!
Silly girl!
Rylee had her 6 month check up last week. She is getting so big! Her umbilical hernia is getting smaller thank goodness! She still has a small head...she got it from Daddy. :) And she is pretty tall...she got that from Daddy's family...he is the shortest one in his family. Everyone else is tall! She looks great and did SO well with the shots this time. So much better than ever before.
Her stats:
Weight: 15 lbs 5 oz (46th percentile)
Length: 26.2 inches (72nd percentile)
Head circumference: 16.5 inches (37th percentile)

Her stats:
Weight: 15 lbs 5 oz (46th percentile)
Length: 26.2 inches (72nd percentile)
Head circumference: 16.5 inches (37th percentile)

They grow so fast! My baby boy is almost 1! I can hardly believe it. Enjoy every second with her, she is such a doll Heather! :)
ReplyDeleteHeather she is SO adorable! I love her eyes! :)