Thursday, June 2, 2011

Beginning of Summer!

Thank you weather or finally deciding to warm up a bit!

Today was a FUN day - I finally got to go out and spend most of the day outside! Although it was a BIT chilly, at least it was warm enough to get outside for some fun.

This morning I got Rylee up, fed her breakfast, got her dressed and headed straight out the door. We went on a walk - an hour and a half walk. We went to the playground behind Springville City Center for a bit and then continued walking. It started getting a little windy so I thought I better get her home. Thank goodness I had her jacket and blanket I could put on her.

This little girl LOVES the swings. I could just push her all day - it is so fun watching her. She just giggles and smiles. that not the CUTEST little hat? My Aunt and Grandma gave it to her before she was born and it is finally fitting her! I love it. She may be wearing it a lot the next little bit. :) My mother in law said she looks a lot like Kelly as a baby in her hat. She has a baby picture of him in his hat somewhere - I can't wait to see it.Tonight Kelly and his parents and brother were planting their garden. I so badly wish I could help but Rylee makes that impossible! Haha. She just wanted to get on the ground and play in the dirt. I did hold her hands and let her walk in it and she was sure loving that. Rylee LOVES Grandma Bonnie (my mother in law). Seriously, I think she loves her more than me. Haha - kidding. But she was throwing a fit when she kept walking by and wouldn't take her from me and hold her. She was giving her a look like, 'you're supposed to play with me Grandma!' It was so funny. Finally she held her and she just kept laughing and smiling so happy Grandma was holding her. I love that Rylee has a Grandma that loves her so much. Correction - 2 Grandma's that love her so much. :)My friend bought some popsicle makers from Walmart - we were over for dinner the other night and she gave one to Rylee and she LOVED it. It was just frozen yogurt. So I decided I had to go buy some. They are so easy for her to grab and she just loves them!

I am so excited for it to be warm and to stay warm! I am going to buy a little plastic pool to put in our yard and play outside with Rylee all the time. Please warm up FOR GOOD soon, please?!

On a side note...ART CITY DAYS IS NEXT WEEK! yay.

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