Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 26 & SLEEP

What do I think about my friends?

I think my friends are great. I definitely know what friends are really my friends and will be in my life forever and what friends are just current friends. I don't really have any friends from high school that I am still really good friends with. There are few people that actually still hang out with their high school friends. My husband is one of them. He is very lucky to still be best friends with his high school friends. He still talks to them on a daily basis and still hangs out with them. I have made other friends through work, college, and girls in my neighborhood. We all have great friendships in different ways and I am so lucky to have them all in my life for different reasons. I have one friend that I talk to a lot about stuff and she is always there for me and I am SO grateful she is in my life. I hope she knows who she is. :) I definitely consider her to be my best friend. She always puts a smile on my face and always makes me laugh. Definitely the meaning of a TRUE friend.


RYLEE SLEPT ALL NIGHT LONG! I am not jumping the gun and saying she sleeps all night yet but I am so excited! I was smart and went to bed at 10:30 last night. Rylee had finally fallen asleep at 8:30 if you read my previous post. She woke up at 4:45 I nursed her and layed her back down. She cried for maybe a minute and went right back to sleep. It is currently 9:20 and she just barely woke up! She has had maybe 5 nights tops where she has slept all night since she was born. I really hope it's a changing thing! Definitely not getting my hopes up yet. :) And for a while she went right to sleep when I put her down but ever since she got sick the past 2 weeks she doesn't go to sleep by herself. It's crazy how babies will just stop doing something out of the blue. As for me - I feel SO MUCH BETTER. I got some much needed sleep. So glad I went to bed early. Well, we'll see if it continues... Here is my cute girl this morning! When I went to get her she had this funny look on her face like we were mean last night haha.

Does anyone else think she's looking more like Kelly? Well, in this pic anyway!


  1. oh good I am so glad she is just so beautiful I love her eyes - there is so much character in them- such a cutie!

    I think I jinxed myself... yesterday Rozzy wouldn't take an afternoon nap I laid her down at 2 and she screamed for an hour so I finally went up there and held her and FINALLY at 3:45 she fell asleep for her afternoon nap until 6... needless to say her bedtime last night was a little later than 7...

    I love those jammies... where did you get them???

  2. Awww :) She's such a cutie. She does look ALOT like Kelly in this one.

  3. Ah! I'm sorry Cam! Well I'm not gonna jinx this and say she sleeps all night now. I am just glad she finally did it. I think the only thing I can do is let her cry. She is smart - she'll figure out very quickly that crying won't make me go pick her up. She only cried for like 10 minutes when I layed her down for her morning nap at 11 - it's now 12:15 and she is still asleep!

    And I got them at Old Navy! I don't think they have them anymore though. :( They are my favorite!

  4. Yay! And... Those PJ's ARE SO CUTE!!!!

  5. Yeah! i'am glad you caught up on some much needed sleep. I think letting them cry and cry at first is the best way to get them in good sleep habits. I hope it works out. When i saw the picture of Rylee that was my first thought,super cute jammies. i still want you to bring her to my house to play with z to give you some personal time.

    I'M ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS FOR LIFE!! i'm so glad our husbands are best friends as well as us. it makes hanging out a blast. you are such a great friend thanks for letting me vent to you when it's needed or getting me out of the house. You are just awesome G! I look forward to talking to you for the rest of my life:)

    Love ya<3
