Thursday, January 6, 2011

Random stuff.

I am proud to say I am officially DONE working! Now I just get to be with our cute little baby 24/7! I took 4 months off after I had Rylee and then I had to go back to my job for a month. While I was working there I tried to find a night job at the hospital so we'd have insurance. Well, I got lucky and got a job there. I worked there for 3 weeks and then decided I hated it and it was really hard on Rylee. I didn't HAVE to work but we needed insurance so I figured what the heck. Little did I know how hard working nights really was and how hard it would be on Rylee. We just decided it was too much of a pain in several ways for me to work nights so now I can just be home all day and all night with the baby! And can I just say...I LOVE IT and I feel so so so blessed!!! And thank goodness we figured out the insurance thing. :) I just had to share my exciting news!

And Rylee had her first baby food last week and loves it!! I have been giving her rice cereal off and on for about a month but she did not like it very much! But she loves her baby food! So far I have given her sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, and squash and I think she likes the peas best...definitely wouldn't have thought that! She also loves oatmeal. The first time giving her baby food was hilarious. She actually did pretty good though and didn't make too much of a mess! She just grunted the whole time I was feeding her.

We bought her a pack n play. It is so handy when I am doing housework. She just sits in it and plays...I love it and she loves it. I can't leave her in a room by herself anymore cause she will get into anything and everything!
My mother in law does patty cake with Rylee ALL the time. Last night we were over at their house and my mother in law started saying, "Patty cake, patty cake, bakers man..." and Rylee was clapping her hands together. Then she would go on to say, "And toss it in the sky!" Rylee would throw her hands in the air -- it was SO cute!!! She is one SMART girl. You don't realize they really get what's going on when they are so little but they really, truly do.

Rylee sits in her bouncer like this now. I probably shouldn't even use it anymore really...She is so funny. She has the funniest personality. She keeps me so entertained. I think I kiss her and tell her I love her way, WAY too much.

Tomorrow I am getting her 6 month pictures taken -- so look back for pictures! Those and our family pictures we got taken like a month ago! I am a bit slow.

And I have to add my new years resolutions...

1. Lose 10 lbs by summer.

2. Exercise at least 3 times a week and get back into running when it gets warmer. Before I was pregnant Kelly and I went running EVERY night together. (We even ran like 20 of the 23 days we were in Europe last summer - pretty dang good!) I really miss it. It was our fun thing we did together every night. AND get my tight stomach back!

3. Eat healthier.

4. Go to sleep earlier at night.

5. Be more positive.

6. Read scriptures daily.

7. Say morning and evening prayers daily.

8. Be better about writing in my/Rylee's journal. I did very very good the first few months she was born but have been slacking.

So far I haven't been very good at ... like any of them. But I hope to be able to!


  1. WAHOO NOW WE CAN GET TOGETHER AND PLAY!!! Rylee looks taller from the last time i saw her,She has such pretty eyes. I love creating new year resolutions for myself. You have some great good luck in making them happen over this year:)

  2. oh that picture of her on your header is so stinkin cute! You, Sam and I should all start working out together. I want to go jogging when the weather is warmer and the air is better!
